Undergraduate Research Explorer
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Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Undergraduate Student Research Awards (NSERC USRAs)

NSERC USRAs provides financial support in obtaining research work experience to help develop and inspire students’ potential for graduate studies and a research career in natural sciences and engineering.

Further details on the application process:

  1. Students should apply through their supervisor’s department.
  2. Internal application deadline at U of T Research Services will be in mid-March. A firm date will be announced in January.
  3. Each academic unit sets their own deadlines, and check the website of your academic unit to learn more.
  4. You may hold only one USRA per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31).
  5. You may hold a maximum of three USRAs throughout your undergraduate career (regardless of the granting agency).

Tags: Co-curricular Paid

Offered: The duration is 16 full consecutive weeks during the Summer Term between May 1 to September 1.

By: The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Canadian Government

Student Eligibility Requirements:

The NSERC USRAs are available to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

  1. Registered full-time or part-time (at the time of application) in a bachelor’s degree program in at least one of the two terms immediately before holding the award.
  2. Obtained a cumulative average of at least a B or B-.
  3. At the time of application, have completed a minimum of two academic terms/semesters. First-year students are not eligible.
  4. Graduating students may apply if they have not graduated by the application deadline or started graduate school during the award tenure period. U of T students can hold a USRA in the summer immediately following their final spring term.
  5. Must work on a full-time basis on research and development activities during the award tenure.

Availability: 2nd Year, 3rd Year, 4th Year

Research Type(s): Research Fellowships / Studentships

Location: Dependent on the nature of the research project that the student is undertaking.

Hours Involved: Students are expected to maintain full-time hours throughout the duration of their NSERC USRA.

Application Required: Application Process: each institution across Canada is allocated a specific number of NSERC USRAs. For the NSERC USRAs, students will need to apply through their academic unit before advancing to the university-wide competition. Applications successful at the university-wide competition will then be advanced by the University of Toronto to the granting agency. Applications directly to the granting agency will not be accepted.

Contact: Contact your academic unit's office for further details about the NSERC USRAs, including how to apply and the application process.