Undergraduate Research Explorer
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Conference and Research Travel Fund

The purpose of the fund is to support undergraduate student travel that will enhance their own
academic experience and make a clear contribution to enhancing the University of Toronto Scarborough student experience. This initiative is an attempt to address the financial need of students, in support of
conference and research related travel. The fund assists students to undertake an experience that is
non-credit-bearing, but contributes to the individual’s academic direction towards research, graduate
school, engaging with the academic community, or community-engaged learning. Offers up to $2,500.

Offered: There are three rounds of intake applications throughout the academic year.

By: University of Toronto Scarborough

Student Eligibility Requirements: Students must be registered full-time in the academic year in which you plan to travel or full-time in the semester immediately preceding the academic travel; have completed a minimum of 4.0 FCEs (Full Course Equivalents); and have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.5 or higher.

Availability: Students must have completed 5.0 FCEs.

Location: Off-Campus

Registration Fee: N/A

Application Required: Students will need to submit an application in order to be considered for this funding opportunity.

Contact: studentexperience.utsc@utoronto.ca