At the University of Toronto, our hope is to create a research community that encourages students to engage in research conversations and an exchange of ideas. While students have multiple opportunities to connect with this community, below you will discover opportunities to present research findings at undergraduate conferences, symposia and forums, contribute to undergraduate research journals and receive recognition for research accomplishments.
Undergraduate Research Journals
Undergraduate research journals publish research and scholarly work conducted by undergraduate students. At the University of Toronto, students have the opportunity to publish their work as well as work on the editorial side of a student journal. In doing so, students contribute to their field of research as well as familiarize themselves with the rigours of the peer-review process and the editorial process.
- U of T Libraries offers publishing supports for a host of student journals in a variety of subjects.
- Review the U of T Student Journal Directory if you are interested in publishing your research or perhaps working on the editorial side of a student journal.
Learn more about what it means to get involved with journals by reviewing Conorr Norquay’s experiences with CaméraStylo, Cinema Studies Student Union’s Undergraduate Journal.
Recognition for Research Accomplishments
The Undergraduate Awards Explorer can help you to find awards that recognize undergraduate students’ research achievements. Try typing “research” in the “Single Keyword Search” to begin your search!
Undergraduate Research Conferences, Symposia and Forums
Undergraduate research conferences, symposia and forums offer platforms for students to engage in an exchange of ideas: students share their research findings and receive feedback learning new perspectives that contribute to their growth and further refinement of their work. Through this exchange, students learn how to effectively convey complex concepts and respond to questions as well as creating further connections with other members of the research community.