Undergraduate Research Explorer
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Community of Support

The Community of Support program exists as a collaborative initiative with the goal of increasing the number of students that are Indigenous, Black, Filipino, Latin American, economically disadvantaged, non-traditional (ie mature students) or who self-identify with having a disability in Temerty Medicine’s MD program, and in medical school in general.

Being a member of the Community of Support will provide you with access to numerous opportunities including the Research Application Support Initiative (RASI):

  1. Providing information/workshops on how to create a good academic CV, professionalism in communicatingwith principal investigators and characteristics of a good referee.
  2. One-to-one mentorship to help them develop research CVs and apply for research roles, graduate applications, and applications for thesis.
  3. A limited number of paid research roles

Tags: Co-curricular Unpaid

Offered: Fall/Winter/Summer

By: Temerty Faculty of Medicine

Student Eligibility Requirements:

The Community of Support program supports prospective health professions students who are Indigenous, Black, Filipino, socioeconomically disadvantaged, or who identify as having a disability.

Availability: All Years

Research Type(s): Research Skills Training

Location: On-Campus

Hours Involved: Dependent on how you choose to engage with the Community of Support.

Application Required: Yes