Undergraduate Research Explorer
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Essential Research Skills UTL

The University of Toronto Libraries offers support for developing research skills. Students have the option to participate in four in-person workshops or seld-directed learning modules. Workshops and modules can be taken individually or all together.

Workshops focus on the full research process and include:

  1. Finding background information
  2. Finding scholarly sources
  3. Managing your sources
  4. Using your sources effectively

Tags: Co-curricular Unpaid

Offered: In-person workshops scheduled each fall, visit the Library Workshop Calendar for specific dates: https://libcal.library.utoronto.ca The Self-Directed Learning Modules can be completed in any order, all at the same time, or individually as you need them.

By: University of Toronto Libraries

Student Eligibility Requirements:

Open to all students

Availability: All Years

Location: On-campus (St. George Campus) and Online

Hours Involved: Dependent on the specific workshops and modules you pursue. Each online module is ~20 minutes.

Application Required: No

Contact: Devon Stolz, Student Engagement Librarian (St. George) or Sarah Fedko, Liaison Librarian & Centre for Teaching & Learning Liaison (UTSC)