Undergraduate Research Explorer
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Independent Study Courses

An excellent way to gain research experience is through a supervised study course. Offered in the majority of programs, these courses allow upper-year students to conduct an extensive examination of the literature on a selected topic or perform laboratory and/or fieldwork in their area of study. Students must obtain the permission of the academic unit to study their topic of interest and locate a professor who agrees to supervise them. Consult the Arts & Science Academic Calendar or speak with an advisor in your academic unit. https://artsci.calendar.utoronto.ca

Tags: Curricular Unpaid

Offered: Dependent on the Independent Study Course.

By: Faculty of Arts & Science

Student Eligibility Requirements:

Review the specific eligibility criteria for the Independent Study.

How do you find an Independent Study? In the Arts & Science Academic Calendar, navigate to your program of study. Generally Independent Studies or Independent Reading courses include “39X” or “49X” in their course code.

Availability: Generally students in 3rd or 4th year, who are identified as specialists or majors in their program of study.

Research Type(s): Independent / Supervised Study Courses (Research-Intensive)

Location: Dependent on the Independent Study Course.

Hours Involved: Independent / supervised study courses (research-intensive) may involve part-time or full-time hours and can last from a few hours to a number of days or weeks over the course of an academic term. The timelines vary and will be set within the specific course.

Application Required: Yes

Contact: Contact name and email found within the specific independent study.