Undergraduate Research Explorer
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Koffler Scientific Reserve USRA

To encourage field work opportunities among excellent U of T undergraduates, the Koffler Scientific Reserve (KSR) sponsors 1-2 Undergraduate Student Research Awards per summer term.

KSR will cover a summer stipend for excellent undergraduates pursuing field research in any area of research, provided that they have identified a research supervisor who uses KSR. The award’s purpose is to sponsor independent research experience for undergraduates, not paid field technicians or assistants.

Tags: Co-curricular Paid

Offered: 16 weeks in the summer (mid‐May until mid‐August)

By: Koffler Scientific Reserve

Student Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Open to all U of T undergraduates, regardless of citizenship or residency status.
  2. Are a registered undergraduate student at U of T.
  3. Have a cumulative average of at least a B+ or higher to apply, or must indicate in a paragraph the extreme circumstances that prevent their transcript from reflecting their true academic merit (e.g., changing majors, learning English, working full-time while in school, etc.).
  4. A faculty member who uses KSR for research must have agreed to supervise the student’s project.
  5. Students MAY NOT hold the KSR USRA simultaneously with any other award (i.e. NSERC USRA, UTEA, or CGCS Award, etc.).
  6. International students must hold student work visas for the summer.

Availability: All Years

Research Type(s): Research Fellowships / Studentships, Summer Research Programs

Location: Expectation that research will take place at the Koffler Scientific Reserve, and on-site housing will be provided to succesful students.

Hours Involved: Although your schedule will be discussed between you and your supervisor, the expectation is that this is a full time commitment.

Application Required: Yes

Contact: Amy Huynh, Undergraduate & Student Outreach Coordinator, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Faculty of Arts & Science