Undergraduate Research Explorer
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Undergraduate Research Fund

The Undergraduate Research Fund fosters research experience at the undergraduate level by providing students with an opportunity to develop a research project of their own, for which there is no other available funding.

The Fund is to be used for research initiated by students, related to their degree, and supervised by a faculty member either through a regular course, an independent study, a research essay, or other academic project. The research must be completed within a year of funding or before graduation, whichever comes first. All students granted funding are required to submit a short summary of research findings.

Tags: Co-curricular Curricular Paid

Offered: Anytime

By: Faculty of Arts & Science

Student Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Must be current undergraduate degree student(s) in the Faculty of Arts & Science and must be registered as such during the period in which the research will be conducted.
  2. Must be in good academic standing.
  3. Students may only receive the Undergraduate Research Fund once.
  4. Students must organize to have an Arts & Science faculty member with a continuing-status appointment, supervise their project.

Availability: All Arts & Science undergraduate students are eligible with, priority given to 3rd and 4th year students

Research Type(s): Independent / Supervised Study Courses (Research-Intensive), Summer Research Programs, Community-Engaged Research, International Research Experiences

Location: On-campus or Off-campus

Hours Involved: Dependent on the nature of the research that the student is undertaking.

Application Required: Yes

Contact: undergrad.awards.artsci@utoronto.ca