Undergraduate Research Explorer
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International Research Experiences

What is it?

An opportunity for students to engage in research internationally, collaborate with researchers from diverse backgrounds and gain exposure to different perspectives, methodologies and research environments. An international research experience takes various forms including exchange programs, research internships and community or industry-based placements.

Important Considerations


Eligibility criteria will vary depending on the international experience chosen.


From a week-long program to opportunities that allow students to spend a full year abroad, there are various length and timing options available.

Recognition and / or Compensation

  • Course-based international experiences will offer course- or program-credit. Co-curricular international opportunities may provide recognition through the Co-Curricular Record. If a student is participating in a professional work term abroad, they will have an employment contract and compensated by the third-party organization.
  • Learning Abroad shares details about the funding support available for many research experiences as well as scholarships. Students should also consult with the website of their academic unit, division and, if applicable, college. In addition, discuss funding options with their academic unit or registrar’s office.

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Access

Inclusion in research experiences is achieved when an experience supports learning for all students. Learn about the University of Toronto’s commitment to an equitable learning environment and accessible learning environment as well as available resources and supports.

Additional Information

Tags: Co-curricular, Curricular, Faculty-led Research, Paid, Partnership-led Research, Unpaid


  • Students develop a global perspective of research: gaining insight into global issues, challenges and trends and understand how their research fits within broader global contexts.
  • Fosters cross-cultural exchange of ideas and learning enhancing students’ understanding of research practices. 
  • Working alongside and collaborating with international researchers, offers students the opportunity to build a global research network. 
  • In conducting research internationally, students appreciate different research environments, facilities and resources helping to support their adaptability in navigating future research contexts.

Ideal time to participate:

  • This depends on students’ capacity, academic program and personal and professional goals. Book an appointment with a Learning Abroad Advisor through the Learning Abroad Office’s contact form to find the best fit.

How to access / locate opportunities:

  • The University of Toronto’s Learning Abroad website allows students to review a variety of international research experiences. Students can search by length of experience, country, areas of study, language and program type. The site also provides helpful tips and resources for planning an international experience including information about potential funding opportunities.
  • Students might also visit their divisional website> for further information on international research experiences.

  • Faculty should consider connecting with the Learning Abroad team (Centre for International Experience) as well as their academic unit, divisional teaching and learning / experiential learning offices to explore the resources and supports available to them in developing an international research experience.
  • Consider establishing a summer research experience with a global university partner. Contact the Learning Abroad team at learning.abroad@utoronto.ca.
  • Faculty, staff and librarians should consider ways to embed equity, diversity, inclusion and Indigenous perspectives throughout students’ research experiences.

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