Undergraduate Research Explorer
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Karthik Immaneni

Karthik is a fourth-year student at the University of Toronto Mississauga majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Mathematics and Business. He participated in the Summer Research Exchange Program where he investigated the potential for using recurrent neural networks, a machine learning model, for diagnosing cardiac arrests.

This work required Karthik to learn about recurrent neural network models and how to apply them to evaluate the likelihood a patient will enter cardiac arrest. Karthik also learned about other healthcare-related issues that were being tackled with machine learning models, realizing there is no dearth of applications for machine learning, particularly in the medical sector. Importantly, he learned that some of the key skills for making progress in research are, “the ability to tackle challenges independently and applying critical thinking to real-world issues.”

As Karthik continues his undergraduate studies, he plans to pursue further research opportunities and is considering applying to graduate programs.

Research Type(s): Summer Research Programs, International Research Experiences