Undergraduate Research Explorer
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Undergraduate Research Explorer

The Undergraduate Research Explorer is designed to help you explore the multitude of undergraduate research opportunities at the University of Toronto. It is not a job board for specific research opportunities. Rather, it is a filterable tool that will allow you to learn about research programs and funding opportunities.

The Undergraduate Research Explorer allows you to filter opportunities based the academic division offering them and by opportunities offered at the institutional level (filter by ‘University of Toronto’) or external to the University (filter by ‘External’).

We recommend filtering by your academic division, by University of Toronto and then by External. From there you can then review the opportunities to determine your eligibility. You will note some opportunities require you to be in a particular year of study or enrolled in a particular program of study, for example. 

By reviewing the Undergraduate Research Explorer, you will be able to consider pathways to engage in research throughout your undergraduate degree and to plan out which programs and opportunities align with your goals, interests and area of study. 

You might. Some divisions have collated lists of courses with a research component, and you will find links to those pages through the Undergraduate Research Explorer. However, many course syllabi change year-over-year and so may include a research component some academic terms and not others, thereby making them more challenging to catalogue. This being the case, to find courses with research components, in addition to reviewing the UG Research Explorer, you might consider the following:

  • Search the Academic Calendar for your division. Each division has an Academic Calendar that tells you everything you need to know about program requirements leading to graduation and lists every single course offered by that division. You can use the Academic Calendar to search for courses with research components.
  • Some programs require you to take discipline specific research methods courses in order to prepare for more advanced research courses. To help support your course planning, you might consider consulting with an advisor in your academic unit, college or registrar’s office.

The Undergraduate Research Explorer includes various research programs and funding opportunities, many of which will provide you with the chance to work directly with a U of T faculty member. However, it is not an exhaustive list since some faculty hire undergraduate researchers as needed and using different channels within research programs or funding opportunities. 

In addition to reviewing the Undergraduate Research Explorer, you might consider the following steps:

  • Review the Career and Co-Curricular Learning Network, or CLNx. Often, faculty, staff and librarians will post available research opportunities on CLNx.
  • Visit Discover Research! Many faculty from across U of T profile their research and teaching interests here as well as highlighting their engagement with undergraduate researchers.
  • You might also consider visiting the website of your academic unit. Sometimes, faculty will post research opportunities on their websites.
  • If you are considering reaching out to a faculty member about a research opportunity, we would encourage you to review our guide on “Connecting with Faculty”. As shared in the guide, it’s important to do your research, consider why you are reaching out to a specific faculty member and craft an impactful email.

Yes, you will! The Undergraduate Research Explorer shares various research programs and funding opportunities that will allow you to pursue your own research interests, otherwise known as student-led research. To begin your search, you might use the “Research Type” filter, followed by “Research Studentships / Fellowships” or “Independent / Supervised Study Courses.”

Under “Applying to Research Opportunities,” you might also review student-led research to consider some of the steps involved in mapping out your own research project.

  • Offered By

Research Opportunity Offered By Description
Academic Internships University of Toronto Mississauga Academic Internships are designed to supplement classroom learning with practical work-based experience. Upper-year undergraduate students can apply specialized knowledge acquired in their field through a 100 to 200-hour work placement for academic credit. While research might not be the focus of your entire Academic Internship, it will play a role. Internship opportunities include:…
BKIN Research Courses: KPE390Y/490Y/495H Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education BKin Research will put you on the leading edge of advancements in the field of Kinesiology and Physical Education. Available for upper year students, you have the opportunity to learn about the research process and conduct a research study. Collaborate on defining the research question, collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting the findings.…
Budding Scholars Program University of Toronto Scarborough Our program offers mentorship and research opportunities for promising students who aspire to become professionals in the field of psychology and neuroscience. The goals of the program are to enable students to explore the various facets of psychology and neuroscience, to build their professional network with scholars in the field (including faculty, graduate and senior…
Canada Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) University of Toronto The Summer Research Opportunities Programme (SROP) aims to ultimately diversity faculty by providing undergraduate students who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour (BIPOC) equitable access to graduate school preparation, planning and admission. SROP Students will conduct a small research project in collaboration with a faculty mentor over the course of 8 weeks, from June…
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Undergraduate Student Research Award (CIHR USRA) External CIHR USRA program aims to provide research experience that complements the degree program that undergraduate students are pursuing, which may lead them to consider graduate studies careers in the fields of health and life sciences Notes:…
Centre for Global Change Science Summer Undergraduate Intern Programme University of Toronto The CGCS Summer Undergraduate Intern Programme pairs University of Toronto researchers in climate and environmental sciences with top undergraduate students interested in pursuing climate-change research. Students are encouraged to apply from fields such as forestry, geography, ecology and others to apply to work under the supervision of CGCS faculty who can be found under the…
Centre for Landscape Research Faculty of Architecture Landscape, and Design The CLR’s Platform for Resilient Urbanism (PRU) is an interdisciplinary design, education, and research arm that advances urban socio-ecological adaptation and resilience strategies. This includes the study of resilient design as a model of contemporary practice, as well as an instrumental and projective policy tool.…
Centre for Urban Environment Research Awards University of Toronto Mississauga The Centre for Urban Environments (CUE) is a proud supporter of undergraduate research at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Every year, CUE allocates funding to ensure that students can pursue independent and cutting-edge research alongside leading scholars in urban environmental studies. This funding is provided on a competitive basis, with a total of two to…
Chemical Engineering Summer Research Fellowship Awards Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering Chemical Engineering Summer Research Fellowship Awards provides financial support in obtaining research work experience to help develop and inspire students’ potential for graduate studies and a research career in mechanical and industrial engineering.…
Community of Support University of Toronto The Community of Support program exists as a collaborative initiative with the goal of increasing the number of students that are Indigenous, Black, Filipino, Latin American, economically disadvantaged, non-traditional (ie mature students) or who self-identify with having a disability in Temerty Medicine’s MD program, and in medical school in general. Being a member of the…
CPS Science Leadership Equity Advancement Program (LEAP) Scholar Award University of Toronto Mississauga The CPS Science Leadership Equity Advancement Program (LEAP) Scholar Award is aimed at supporting Black and Indigenous undergraduate students who wish to pursue research in the Chemical and Physical Sciences.  Currently offering 2 Science LEAP Scholar Awards in addition to the NSERC USRA and UTEA.…
CQIQC Undergraduate Summer Research Studentships University of Toronto Every year, CQIQC offers prize scholarships for undergraduate students to undertake summer research projects at the University of Toronto working in one of the research groups associated with the Centre.…
Dean’s Undergraduate Student Summer Research Pivot Fellowship Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering The Dean’s Undergraduate Student Summer Research Pivot Fellowship recognizes academic merit and is intended to support research projects where students are co-supervised (i.e., collaborative projects between two faculty members where at least one faculty member must be from U of T FASE). Up to 8 Pivot Fellowships will be awarded annually. Each Fellowship awards students…
Edgar McAllister Foundation Undergraduate Summer Research Award  Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering Edgar McAllister Foundation Undergraduate Summer Research Award provides financial support in obtaining research work experience to help develop and inspire students’ potential for graduate studies and a research career in mechanical and industrial engineering.…
Engineering Science Research Opportunities Program (Engineers for the World) Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering The motto in EngSci at U of T is Engineers for the World (E4TW) because their goal is to educate engineers who seek to solve the world’s most critical problems, have compassion, want to collaborate with people from various backgrounds, and use technology to improve life for citizens across the globe. The ESROP – E4TW…
Engineering Science Research Opportunities Program (Exceptional Opportunities) Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering Each year, the Engineering Science Research Opportunities Program – Exceptional Opportunities (ESROP – ExOp) supports a limited number of EngSci students who have secured research opportunities outside of U of T and its affiliated institutions on their own. This program is student-driven and only current EngSci students who have arranged for positions outside of those…
Engineering Science Research Opportunities Program (Global) Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering Each year the Division of Engineering Science sends over 30 enterprising EngSci students abroad to conduct summer research at our partner institutions through the Engineering Science Research Opportunities Program – Global (ESROP – GLOBAL). These placements are arranged by the Division of Engineering Science and allow students to work alongside leading academics at renowned research…
Engineering Science Research Opportunities Program (U of T) Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering The program provides support for Year 1 and 2 EngSci students to conduct research with U of T faculty members and researchers during summers early in their academic careers. Through ESROP – U of T, EngSci students join established research groups, gain a deeper understanding of the research process, and take part in intellectually stimulating research activities. Note: students…
Essential Research Skills UTL University of Toronto The University of Toronto Libraries offers support for developing research skills. Students have the option to participate in four in-person workshops or seld-directed learning modules. Workshops and modules can be taken individually or all together. Workshops focus on the full research process and include:…
First-Year Summer Research Fellowships Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering To support first-year students within the Faculty to gain summer (May – August) experience in a research setting, the Faculty is now offering up to ten First-Year Summer Research Fellowships. The value of each Fellowship is $7,000, and further funding is at the discretion of the faculty supervisor. These positions are open to students in…
Green Roof Innovation Testing Laboratory (GRIT Lab) Faculty of Architecture Landscape, and Design Established in 2010 on the roof of the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at 230 College Street in Toronto, the Green Roof Innovation Testing Laboratory (GRIT Lab) is a state-of-the-art facility — and the only one of its kind testing the environmental performance associated with green roofs, green walls and solar…
Immigrant Scarborough University of Toronto Scarborough This course offers students an opportunity to go out “into the field”. The course teaches students how to conduct in-depth, qualitative research on the social, cultural and economic dimensions of Scarborough’s immigrant past and present. Students gain valuable experience linking hands-on research and fieldwork to theoretical debates about migration, transnationalism and multicultural communities. Student research…
Independent Study Courses University of Toronto Mississauga An excellent way to gain research experience is through an independent study course. Offered in the majority of programs, these courses allow upper-year students to conduct an extensive examination of the literature on a selected topic or perform laboratory and/or fieldwork in their area of study. Students must obtain the permission of the department and…
Independent Study Courses Faculty of Arts & Science An excellent way to gain research experience is through a supervised study course. Offered in the majority of programs, these courses allow upper-year students to conduct an extensive examination of the literature on a selected topic or perform laboratory and/or fieldwork in their area of study. Students must obtain the permission of the academic unit…
Independent Study Courses or Supervised Reading Courses University of Toronto Scarborough An excellent way to gain research experience is through an independent study course or supervised reading course. Offered in the majority of programs, these courses allow upper-year students to conduct an extensive examination of the literature on a selected topic or perform laboratory and/or fieldwork in their area of study. Students must obtain the permission…
Inspire Summer Studentships University of Toronto The Emerging and Pandemic Infections Consortium (EPIC) is strongly committed to building a diverse and inclusive infectious disease research community. We recognize that diversity strengthens the quality and impact of research by bringing multiple ideas and perspectives. The EPIC Inspire Summer Studentships will foster inclusive excellence by providing third-year Black and Indigenous undergraduate students with opportunities to…
Institutional Strategic Initiatives (ISI) University of Toronto The Institutional Strategic Initiatives portfolio increases the University of Toronto’s capacity to support large-scale, high-impact interdisciplinary research. ISIs engage over 600 undergraduate students in research every year. Review the CLNx job board for job details.…
Integrative Research Poster Project University of Toronto Scarborough In this course, students will develop scientific communication skills by working collaboratively with peers to create an informative scientific poster that will be presented in a poster session modelled on those held at most major scientific conferences. Successful posters will engage the interest of the audience in the topic, clearly and concisely outline understanding gained…
Jackman Humanities Institute (JHI) Undergraduate Fellowships University of Toronto The Jackman Humanities Institute (JHI) Undergraduate Fellowship offers an opportunity for advanced undergraduate students who propose to conduct research on a topic in the humanities related to an annual, identified theme. These will be undergraduates, including those in humanities oriented second-entry programs, who are likely to go on to graduate school in the humanities. These…
Jackman Scholars-in-Residence University of Toronto Students selected for Scholars-in-Residence (SiR) work as Research Assistants in small teams on projects led by professors. Students also share group activities including multidisciplinary workshops on research methodologies, standards, protocol, and professional communication; cultural events; and talks featuring professionals such as lawyers, policymakers, and documentary filmmakers that highlight research-intensive career trajectories.…
Koffler Scientific Reserve USRA University of Toronto To encourage field work opportunities among excellent U of T undergraduates, the Koffler Scientific Reserve (KSR) sponsors 1-2 Undergraduate Student Research Awards per summer term. KSR will cover a summer stipend for excellent undergraduates pursuing field research in any area of research, provided that they have identified a research supervisor who uses KSR. The award’s…
Laidlaw Scholars Undergraduate Leadership and Research Programme University of Toronto The Laidlaw Undergraduate Leadership and Research Program, or Laidlaw Scholars Programme, was established to help develop leadership potential among students at prominent institutions around the world. The core elements to the Laidlaw Scholars Programme include a research project, leadership training, leadership in action experience and network-building. The Laidlaw Scholars Programme is aimed at full-time first…
MIE Summer Research Awards Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering MIE Summer Research Awards provides financial support in obtaining research work experience to help develop and inspire students’ potential for graduate studies and a research career in nmechanical and industrial engineering.…
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Undergraduate Student Research Awards (NSERC USRAs) External NSERC USRAs provides financial support in obtaining research work experience to help develop and inspire students’ potential for graduate studies and a research career in natural sciences and engineering. Further details on the application process:…
Personal Librarian Program University of Toronto 1st year students within eligible faculties are paired with a personal librarian who offers assistance throughout the academic year.…
Program for Accessing Research Training (PART) University of Toronto Mississauga The Program for Accessing Research Training (PART) consists of Core, Quantitative and Qualitative training modules. PART includes a total of 18 modules. You are welcome to attend one, all, or however many in-between. PART modules are divided into five categories: Core, Special Topics, Methods, Data Analysis, and Communication. Each module features four hours of classroom…
Project Suburb Faculty of Architecture Landscape, and Design The Project Suburb Research Group explores the physical spaces of the suburbs with the ambition of imagining alternative civic futures for them. Based at the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at the University of Toronto, our group brings together practitioners and scholars from different disciplines to understand the lived space of the suburbs…
Reach Alliance University of Toronto The Reach Alliance is a leading global network of stakeholders from across sectors committed to advancing the Sustainable Development Agenda. It was founded in 2015 at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, in collaboratingship with the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth. The global academic consortium includes: University of Cape…
Research Application Support Initiative University of Toronto RASI is an initiative designed to help Community of Support (COS) members with interests in pursuing research through:…
Research Excursion Program Faculty of Arts & Science The Research Excursions Program is a type of third-year course that enables experiential learning outside of the classroom — and often outside of Canada. The REP provides off-campus travel opportunities, locally and globally, between May and August, when students join an instructor’s research team while earning 0.5 or 1.0 academic credits. REPs are subject to…
Research Opportunities Program Faculty of Arts & Science The Research Opportunities Program is a second- or third-year course in which you can join an instructor’s research project and earn 0.5 or 1.0 course credit. ROPs take place throughout the academic year. Students in the program have the valuable opportunity to become involved in practical, cutting-edge research, working one-on-one with the University’s leading faculty…
Research Opportunities Program University of Toronto Mississauga The Research Opportunity Program (ROP) provides students in second to fourth year with the chance to participate in the research of a faculty member while earning course credit. Students in the program have the valuable opportunity to become involved in practical, cutting-edge research, working one-on-one with the University’s leading faculty members across a range of…
Robert Rawlings Scholarship University of Toronto Mississauga To be awarded to one or more University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) undergraduate students participating in a University of Toronto study abroad, or independently arranged research opportunity at an institution approved and recognized by UTM where the courses/research will be accredited to the student’s U of T degree.…
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Undergraduate Student Research Awards (SSHRC USRA) External SSHRC USRA program aims to provide research experience that complements the degree program that undergraduate students are pursuing, which may lead them to consider graduate studies careers in the social sciences and humanities. Importants notes about SSHRC USRA process:…
Student Journal Publishing University of Toronto University of Toronto Libraries offers a variety of journal publishing and distribution services, all of which are free to current students. Find out how the library can jumpstart your journal or help your editorial team take your publication to the next level.…
Summer Research Exchange Program Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering This is a unique for-credit research-based summer course. Depending on the nature of the research project, this course may count toward your engineering program or an engineering minor. Check with your department for details. This program is not open to EngSci students. …
SURF – Natalia Krasnopolskaia Memorial Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship University of Toronto The Natalia Krasnopolskaia Memorial Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) provides entry-level summer research experience for students who have completed or are currently taking Physics courses at the University of Toronto. Projects will involve undergraduate lab development and / or research with faculty in the Department of Physics.…
Thesis Courses Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering An excellent way to gain research experience is through a thesis course. Offered in the majority of programs, these courses allow upper-year students to conduct a thesis on an approved subject under the supervision of any faculty member at the University of Toronto. The thesis provides students with an opportunity to conduct, document and experience…
Transform HF Undergraduate Summer Research Program Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering TRANSFORM HF is set up to fund research into heart failure care and prevention that has translational potential and patient-centered design. We also fund projects by trainees focused on new digital technologies and community engagement to advance health equity. This funding drives scientific, professional, entrepreneurial, and patient engagement or Indigenous health training and mentorship to…
Ulrich J. Krull Research Excellence Award University of Toronto Mississauga The Experiential Education Unit (EEU) in the Office of the Vice-Principal Academic and Dean is pleased to offer the Ulrich J. Krull Research Excellence Award to students who demonstrate outstanding achievement in the Research Opportunity Program (ROP).…
Undergraduate Research Fund Faculty of Arts & Science The Undergraduate Research Fund fosters research experience at the undergraduate level by providing students with an opportunity to develop a research project of their own, for which there is no other available funding. The Fund is to be used for research initiated by students, related to their degree, and supervised by a faculty member either…
Undergraduate Summer Research Exchange Program (SREP) University of Toronto The Undergraduate Summer Research Exchange Program is a great way to gain research experience while working on special projects. Joining a partner university for about 12 weeks over the summer session, you’ll get hands-on lab and research experience, and a new global perspective. See a complete list of summer research partner institutions, research projects and…
Undergraduate Summer Research Program (USRP) Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering The FASE Undergraduate Summer Research Program (USRP) represents a community of students engaging in summer research at the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. Participants meet three times a month between May and August where they interact with experts from across the FASE to discuss topics such as Research Ethics, Safety in the Research Environment,…
Undergraduate Thesis Course Faculty of Architecture Landscape, and Design Fourth-year undergraduate students at the Daniels Faculty can elect to complete thesis projects. Thesis students each spend a full year performing research that aligns with their study area of choice: history and theory, design, or technology.…
University of Toronto Excellence Awards University of Toronto The purpose of the UTEA program is to provide opportunities for research experience at the undergraduate level in the Natural Sciences & Engineering (NSE), Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH), and Health & Life Sciences (HLS); to augment the formal research courses offered by the University of Toronto; to provide undergraduate students opportunities to gain direct…
UTM Undergraduate Research Grant University of Toronto Mississauga UTM Undergraduate Research Grants are intended to assist eligible undergraduate students to develop and improve research skills. Grants are provided for student-initiated research projects, which are related to their degree programs and are supervised by UTM faculty members. The project may be conducted within the context of an independent study course, but need not be. A…
Vertical Geopolitics Faculty of Architecture Landscape, and Design The work of the Vertical Geopolitics Lab seeks to recentre the study of how sovereignty is acquired and disputed as a practice-based matter of space and power in the built environment. The lab runs a series of elective seminar and thesis research studio courses in an effort to expose, challenge and reconstitute the pervasive and…
Work Study Program University of Toronto Across the University of Toronto, more than 4000 students participate in the Work Study Program every year! Twice a year (fall-winter and summer), the Work Study Program offers paid, on-campus positions that provide you with an opportunity to deepen your knowledge, strengthen your skills and explore how your academic studies translate to career possibilities. All…

If you would like to share an undergraduate research initiative that you do not find listed, please complete and submit this form.